The Blacklist is the most notorious Bounty Board in the galaxy. Only the most elite Bounty Hunters ever get to hunt those who earn a death mark on the Blacklist.

This is a Blog for Bounty Hunters that have chosen to become Mercenaries for the Sith Empire in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Pyrotech Ability Rotation

So you have all these cool damage abilities. At first you spam them and find you can no longer use any attacks due to Overheating.

Fear not there is a method to the madness. Bounty Hunters are all about correctly managing Heat.

The first rule of Heat is to make sure you don't go over 40 Heat. This ensures that your maintaining maximum Heat loss so you can continue to do maximum damage.

While there is no set "rotation" for Pyrotechs you do have a priority system that looks something like:

Basically you make sure Incendiary Missile is on the target. Then you use Thermal Detonator when it is off cooldown. You want to use Rail Shot every chance you can as well.
Unload and Power Shot have a chance to reset the cooldown on Rail Shot so be sure to watch for that.
You will want to weave Rapid Shots in between your abilities so that you never cross the 40 Heat threshold. Specifically you do not want to use Incendiary Missile and Thermal Detonator right after one another as it will put you at 41 Heat.

Next time we'll look and Arsenal Rotation and later on some more advanced ability usage including cool downs.

Until then, Good Hunting

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