The Blacklist is the most notorious Bounty Board in the galaxy. Only the most elite Bounty Hunters ever get to hunt those who earn a death mark on the Blacklist.

This is a Blog for Bounty Hunters that have chosen to become Mercenaries for the Sith Empire in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Where is an icepack when you need one?

Heat is the main resource that restricts your abilities. Every ability you use that does damage outside of Rapid Shots causes you to generate heat. It can be anywhere from 16-25 Heat per ability. The more powerful the attack the more heat it will generate.

Heat also drains constantly, and the amount drained is affected by how much heat you have.

Simply put; the less heat you have the more heat you can vent.

You also have 2 very nifty abilities to manage your heat. The first is Vent Heat. This powerful tool will vent 50 Heat in a matter of seconds. It can be improved to vent up to 66 Heat with Improved Vents and its cooldown can be reduced with Rapid Venting. The best time to use this is when you've gone over 70 Heat to reduce your Heat level into the green zone of 0-40 Heat.

Thermal Sensor Override will make your next ability cost no heat. Obviously this is best used when your using a 25 Heat ability. Both Pyrotech and Arsenal have talents to reduce the cool down.

My advice for heat is to always treat Vent Heat as an emergency ability rather than a way to squeeze in extra damage. If you ever find yourself in a position where you aren't venting enough heat and your vent heat is on cool down, it is better to wait and use rapid shots while your heat level drops.

Play smart and manage your heat correctly and you will master the mechanics of the Bounty Hunter. Of course you could always invest in lots of icepacks.

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